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Dictionary  /   Naver Dic.


Wikipeida / Rxlist / Metric-conversions

Estimation of M.W. by Gel filtration

IPUAC nomenclature


PubMed   /     Single citation matcher

IF 2003

Nature  /  Cell  /  Science

Nature Journals in Molecular Cell Biology

EMBO J / Structure / JBC / JMB / Proteins / ActaD

Web of Knowledge Search


Protein calculator

PredictProtein Server

DNA seqaln  /  Restriction site

PRODRUG TMHMM / codon usage analysis

ClustalW  /  ESprint /  SMART domains


DALI  /  DSSP  /  Protein-Protein Interaction


Surface Entrophy Reduction  / Protein Data Bank

EXPASY        Uniprot

NCBI GenBank / NCBI Blast

TIGR gene search  / SGD


Emeral Biostructure Screen

Nextal  /  Molecular Dimension

Hampton Research

Invitrogen  /  NEB

Crystal Screening kits


E. coli codon usage

Periodic table of the elements

Crystallography Softwares / CCP4 docu.


Morphing server  /  Crystal twinning server

SMART domains